The Department of Ceramics, Metalwork and Minor Arts Collections cares for the research, study, recording/documentation, protection, rescue, promotion, publication, photographic documentation and display of the ancient artefacts under its jurisdiction – namely those made of clay, metal, glass, gems, organic materials etc. and dating from the Prehistoric to the Late Roman period.
In particular, the collections comprise mainly vessels made of clay, silver, bronze and glass, figurines, gold wreaths, representative examples of Macedonian weaponry, coins, a variety of elaborate jewellery made of precious metals, glass, bone and gemstones, board games, as well as some unique items made of organic materials such as the famous Derveni Papyrus, and the remains of a gold-woven scarlet cloth found in a female burial, dating to the 3rd c. AD.
It is of great importance that the majority of these antiquities come from excavations and, thus, we know their archaeological context (domestic, funerary, religious, etc.), which in turn allows us to precisely date, in-depth understand and correctly interpret the ancient artefacts.
The Department also participates in the organization of archaeological exhibitions (temporary or permanent) in Greece and abroad, in close collaboration with the Department of Exhibitions, Communication & Education, as well as with the Department of Technical Support & Museography of the Museum. Moreover, it conducts scientific conferences, meetings and workshops aiming to promote scientific knowledge that stems from its collections.
Last but not least, the Department is responsible for any administrative issues in regard to the collections of ancient works under its jurisdiction.
Head of the Department: Dr. Evangelia Tsangaraki, Archaeologist