Publication of Inscriptions and Documentation of the History of Ancient Macedonia (2012-2015)

06 Feb 2016

In early 2012, the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki started collaborating with the Department of History of the Ionian University, within the framework of the programme: Thales - Ionian University -  Publication of Inscriptions and Documentation of the History of Ancient Macedonia (scientific supervisor: Assistant professor Elias Sverkos).

The Research Programmes "Thales" (of a total budget of approximately €140.000.000) aiming towards the Reinforcement of Interdisciplinary and/or Interdepartmental research and innovation, funded by the "Education and Lifelong Learning" Operational programme and co-funded by the European Social Fund.

As part of this programme, 230 inscribed and relief monument will be published, from the city of Thessaloniki and its cemeteries stored at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki. The research programmed is scheduled to be completed by late 2015 and the monuments will be published in a special monograph.

The archaeologists Polyxeni Adam-Veleni, Katerina Tzanavari and Domna Terzopoulou represent the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, while the professor of History Pantelis Nigdelis represents the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.