Catalogue of Sculpture of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki (1989 to this day)

06 Feb 2016

The immense work of studying and publishing the sculpture of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki began in 1989 by the professors of Archaeology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Georgios Despinis, Theodosia Stefanidou-Tiveriou and Emmanuel Voutiras.

Four volumes have been published so far, by the Cultural Foundation of the National Bank of Greece. The first volume was published in 1997, the second one in 2003, the third in 2010 and the fourth (comprising two parts) in 2020. Professor Barbara Schmidt-Douna was added to the team of authors already since the second volume, along with post-graduate students and PhD candidates. The third and fourth volumes includes entries by archaeologists of the Museum and the Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of Thessaloniki.

A total of 1.203 pieces of sculpture have been published thus far, including sculptures, funerary monuments, architectural and decorative sculpture, sarcophagi etc. These artefacts are dated from 500 BC. about 500 AD and come mainly from Thessaloniki and its wider region, but also from places in Macedonia and Thrace.

The archaeologists of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki having participated in the project are: P. Adam-Veleni, A. Koukouvou, E. Melliou, D. Terzopoulou, K. Chatzinikolaou, K. Xanthopoulou, K. Tzanavari, K. Hatzinikolaou.